Saturday 1 June 2013

Global Advertisers opens 4 regional divisions

Keeping advertiser’s interest in mind, Global has introduced four new divisions of Sales department based on regions: North, South, East and West. The dedicated team assigned for these divisions aims to provide best and attractive deals to their clients.The initiative will also help the existing clients of Global Advertisers in tapping new customers base for their brands. This initiative has also put Global Advertisers in the league of top agencies with huge advertising network. Expanding the horizon of media services would enable Global Advertisers to engage new industries of different regions. Also, existing brands targeting niche areas will also be benefited with this move. Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers says “the current economic scenario suggest that brands will further cut down their marketing budget as they have multiple cost-effective advertising options to reach out to their customers. So, being one of the most cost effective medium, outdoor advertising will always be an important part of the integrated marketing plan. He further said “by venturing into new market we expect to see significant change in our clientele. Our expansion proves our strength, ability to take up new challenges and shows that there are no boundaries for an achiever.”

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