Thursday 6 June 2013

Let’s make every day ’no smoking day’-Global Advertisers

Jun 06, 2013 


Global Advertisers celebrated ‘everyday no smoking day’ to create awareness about the ill effect of smoking cigarette and chewing tobacco. With increasing stress at working place, large numbers of professionals are picking up smoking habit to distress themselves. Despite knowing the side-effects of tobacco, people are not able to quit smoking. The reasons of smoking are many but result is only one: shorter life span.Aiming to eradicate smoking from the working culture,the most active outdoor agency in philanthropic initiatives, Global Advertisers conducted no smoking drive for the employees of Global.

Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers said “I understand that there are many reasons attached to smoking, but they are not sufficient to risk your life. I will be very happy if I could stop even a single person from smoking.”

For the record, there are around 120 million smokers in India and more than one-third of
men and around 5% of women in the 30-69 years age group smoke either cigarettes or bidis (which contain only a quarter as much tobacco as cigarettes). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), India is home to 12% of the world’s smokers.As per the reports, alarmingly, 1 million Indian smokers will die every year.

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